Mugenicos – The Best Mugen is here


Sessão de Stages/Stages Session


Aqui você pode escolher os melhores Stages com ZOOM, cada um com uma música incluída na pasta de download! Vamos baixar? Obs: A maioria dos stages não tinham o efeito de zoom, eu adicionei o efeito em cada um de modo diferente ok.

Here you can choose the best Stages with ZOOM, each with a song included in the download folder! Let's download? Note: Most stages did not have the effect of zooming, I added the effect in each of different way ok.

Stage 1000 Flammen

Author: Mr Matter

Stage Bascule Blazblue

Author: Darek

Stage Campus Rooftop

Author: Sky FXs

Stage Dark Sector

Author: Teros

Stage Devils Town

Author: 6thpython

Stage Entrance Hall

Author: Saiyajin Mui

Stage Entrance Hall Requiem of Darkness

Author: Saiyajin Mui

Stage Forest of Desolation

Author: Master Yoda

Stage Gaias Lock

Author: AnArquiA B

Stage Paranormal Activity

Author: WilliaMasterNo1

Stage Region of Dragons

Author: Sang Kalaza (+Edited)

Stage Rooftop in the Rain

Author: Eternaga

Stage Top of the World the End

Author: Lightoss

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